《银河护卫队》——I‘m Groot
颇为搞笑的一部电影,笑点不断,充满想象,可爱的Groot还有那只浣熊简直是绝配,完完全全就是个喜剧片!多谢大茂名论坛提供提前免费巨幕观影机会!we are Groots,好感人的情节,朋友之间的相互信任和扶持…友谊的力量啊!最后镜头的树人为什么这么逗[笑cry]那治愈的笑容,可爱的树人重生了。。。让我很期待下一集、、、、
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【Hooked On A Feeling】
Blue Swede
Ouga Chaka ouga! ....
I can't stop this feeling
Deep inside of me.
Girl, you just don't realize
What you do to me.
When you hold me
In your arms so tight,
You let me know,
Everythings alright, ahahah I'm hooked on a feeling,
I'm high on believing,
That your in love with me. Lips as sweet as candy.
Their taste stays on my mind.
Girl, you keep me thirsty for another cup of wine. I got it bad for you girl,
But I don't need a cure,
I'll just stay addicted, If I can endure
All the good love, when we're all alone
Keep it up girl, yeah you turn me on. I'mmm, I'mmm Hooked on a feeling.
I'm high on believing that your in love with me. All the good love, when we're all alone
Keep it up girl, yeah you turn me on. Ahaha I'm hooked on a feeling,
I'm high on believing,
That your in love with me. I'm hooked on a feeling,
I'm high on believing,
That your in love with me.
I say I'm hooked on a feeling,
And I'm high on believing,
That your in love with me.
I'm hooked on a feeling. 非常好看 我也是,超级喜欢树人的。庆幸最后树人重生,真好啊。